Saturday, 30 April 2016

LIFE IS A GIFT : Stop Worrying , Start Living

Why do we worry for the tomorrow?
God who have taken care of us through all the days of our life, will he not take care of us tomorrow?

It's been 2 years since I moved to Pune (India) for my Post Graduation and I have completed my degree last month. Pune is a beautiful place in its own way: a home for people after retirement, a place for education exposure for the seekers, a gateway for Information Technology and Automobile industries, Southern Command of Indian Army and off course a largest city within the Western Ghats Mountains. Pune has a beautifully laid out home for paraplegics called Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre. It is laid out in green, serene surroundings of the Army Cantonment. Many soldiers who have been injured in the war, leading to spine injury and partial paralysis live here. They are taught to use their feet and mouth to paint beautiful pictures. These paraplegics are taught to use the able parts of their body for various vocational skills. Many of them paint with their mouth or foot and produce excellent greeting cards, decorative murals, panels and landscapes. They all are activey participate in sports events and many of them also represented India in Olympics for disables. When you will interact with these army persons, you will see their positive attitude towards life and how they refused to give up over their problems.  Instead of lamenting over mishaps, we should also find the solution to overcome obstacles on our path like these army persons. Whenever we are faced with difficulties, look very deep into it and learn from it and be like a person who create beauty out of it.

Dada Vaswani, born Jashan Pahlajrai Vaswani, is a spiritual leader and head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission rightly quoted "Worry paralyses the will and makes us unfit for action. It clouds our vision and distracts the thinking process. Worrying cannot improve matters. Then, why worry? "

Dada Vaswani gave six mantras (statement or slogan) to overcome every possible difficulties of our life. By practicing these mantras in our daily life every obstacles can be conquered.

1st mantra   : I will turn all stopping stones into stepping stones.

2nd mantra : Stop worrying. Shut the doors on worries.

3rd mantra : Be positive.

4th mantra : Everything is in its proper place in God's universe and nothing can go wrong.

5th mantra : Have faith in God in all circumstances and in all adverse conditions.

6th mantra : Offer gratitude to God.

If we make these six mantras of our lives, we need not fear anything, ever in our lives. Repeat to our self again and again and we can overcome every problem. We will find that fear will not touch us because we are not alone God is with us. Mental sunshine is equally powerful. When we have the will to be free of fear, the sunshine of our faith and confidence will melt the ice of insecurity and dread. But it is not easy to still the mind. A mind that is wandering and restless is like a disturbed lake, waves are constantly rising on its surface and it cannot reflect the stillness of the sky. But we can control our mind through practice of meditation and chanting. When we control our thoughts, we still the mind and it becomes capable of beautiful, elevating reflections, reflection of divine light within us. Everything happens at the right place and the right time, but as a human being it's our basic nature to worry about things. Worry is a sign of negative mind. We should always be positive. If we are positive good things will surely happen in our life. The reverse is equally true, if we are negative our negative thoughts will actualize. This is simply a law of attraction, what you feel now is what you are going to attract.

Find a solution. Do not succumb to your worries. Worries have a habit of multiplying. Worries are like worms and they tend to gnaw your brains and weaken our mind.  

The sea is vast, my skiff is small. I trust in Thee, who guard's all. @Sadhu Vaswani 

Stop worrying, have faith in him and start thanking.
God is watching over us.

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